Shortstack prompt continues to give marvelous results


13 76

機器狼今天學會了使用圖層蒙版,大幅降低了AI抽圖的麻煩度 ヽ(=^・ω・^=)丿

繪圖AI的手腳畫得超爛,要在1張圖中同時抽中4個人手腳共16肢都完美根本是不可能的事。但只要用了圖層蒙版,就只需要4張各自完美的手腳圖,再用蒙版切一切組起來就可以了汪... _〆(°▽°*)

3 26

Witness the squish, enjoy the squish

Short stack kobold, works great

13 91

You want to fill it? More? Geesh and here I was thinking you were satisfied after the first couple of rounds


Ai makes some nice bellies =w=

Upon comment of a follower "the extra thumb is distracting" so I made a edit


12 49

Winter clothing is what they said if I recall... this is barely even enough to cover up

Capes nice dou...

8 47

Winter Maiden Armor set

Where... exactly is the armor part again ?


13 50