Sometimes, the Mouros (inhabitants of the underworld in Galician folklore) need help from human doctors, midwives or nurses. The Mouros let them access their world, but if they reveal the secret, they will be punished losing an eye, losing their speech...

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Just read memories of —— yesterday. I love Kanda and Galicia so much🙏

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A modernidade sobre rodas na 'Historia da Galicia pequeniña' 😁

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Si no me ponen a Eelektross para llamarle "Lamprea" e ir de parranda por pokegalicia, mato a alguien

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Xente de Ourense! Esta finde estaremos na Feira do Libro por partida dobre!
VENRES 10 de xuño ás 20h · Posto da Libraría Pedreira
SÁBADO 11 de xuño ás 12h · Posto de Punto e Coma
Agardámosvos!! 🤗

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Napoleón Bonaparte, na 'Historia da Galicia pequeniña', volvendo co rabo entre as pernas porque non puido con nós!!

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This is my drawing for the second theme: OINK!!! and its my homage to Xabarín Club (Wildboard Club 🤣) The children TV program I used to see in Galicia and I grew up with, OINK!!

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Night was coming and Roland had not yet taken Malverde. So the warrior asked God for granting him one more hour of light after the sun had set. The wish was granted. Roland took Malverde and sank the city under the waters of the Carregal pond (co. Ribeira,

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Galicia preguntándose por que está fóra ardendo.

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Inspired by the statues of Gallaecian warriors and objects found in Galician and Portuguese artist Miguel Torre has recreated the appearance of a "corono" (chieftain) from Southern during the Iron Age.

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Reconstrución virtual da personaxe dun "Corono Galaico" da idade de ferro a partir varias pezas arqueolóxicas conservadas en museos de Galicia e Portugal.
Restitución 3D: ( Miguel Torre-CIAG ) / Fontes : (Ilustracións arqueolóxicas, Paco Boluda) / Rexistrado 2022

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"...the Coco, or Cucuy, originated in northern Portugal and Galicia. The word coco derives from the Galician and Portuguese côco, which means coconut."

"The word coco also means skull."

"In Brazil, the Coco appears as a humanoid female alligator called Cuca."

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my aquatic babies galicia and enigma💓😆

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Near the Pena Abaladoira ('the oscillating stone'), in Alfoz (Northern a beautiful fairy woman or "moura" is believed to be living. Her hair is long and blond, and she sometimes offers a golden hare as a reward to whoever capable of untangling it.

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huh? 😌
Lúa here! I'm a Galician self-taught artist and I love fantasy, sci-fi, elves, and drawing stuff from my favorite videogames 🥰

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here’s my oc galicia mermaid version💓🧜‍♀️

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