Shut the fuck up Sagara, you know damn well that after all she's been through, Menaka did not deserve her soul to be shattered at the hands of Gandharva

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Fuck… So, Gandharva really did annihilate Menaka's soul… And that means that he either destroyed the souls of everyone he ever loved or if Teo's soul was not shattered, he destroyed the souls of his wife and daughter… great🙃

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I was super uneasy after Chandra still saw Menaka while he was looking for Taraka and this did not help at all. Gandharva shattered the soul of Menaka as well, didn't he

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Def getting a Gandharva vibe

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And the newest one I made, trying with watercolors: Teo and Gandharva, just sharing a moment (also took inspiration from Agneta & the Sea King)

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Goddammit Gandharva, you need to have a flexible mindset in battle.

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You gotta be fucking kidding me!!!! You're telling me that Teo's soul is trapped inside Taraka? What is this bs, warning to any character in if at any point of your life you were in love with Gandharva, there's a 99.99 % chance of your soul being stuck inside Taraka?

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This is one of my favorite scenes in Seeing Gandharva finally coming to this point is so rewarding and this is where the pain begins because something is wrong. Teo is not the same Teo that needed his help back then. Ah, this scene left me with conflicting emotions

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Gandharva made his decision but I'm super worried

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I have to say that I absolutely love what currygom is doing with Gandharva. He's literally going with baby steps towards personal growth. He's learned the first stage of empathy

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Yesssss, this is literally one of the best things Gandharva has ever done!!! Let's fucking go💜

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Omg, is Leny… That's why Gandharva found Airavata familiar even though he's never seen her🤯 Please currygom, do not let Leny die, I don't want Shess to lose her again

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Haha I saw these panels and just thought of how Maruna actually ate food out of Gandharva’s hand lol

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Kubera Leez
Asha Rahiro
Brilith Ruin
God Kubera
Ran Sairofe

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whatd i say. gay. i knew gandharva was a candidate for fave

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And Happy Father's Day to the one who was literally sacrificing the whole world for the slim chance that his daughter might still be alive.

Gandharva from Kubera

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Kubera top 5 favorites:

1. Leez
2. GK ✨🍀
3. Runa(Maruna)
4. Kasak!! 💞
5. Gandharva? Or Agni, they’re kinda tied

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