I did this! I went through each level, found my faves and tried to make cohesive lines out of the results! It was a lot of fun and I'm pleasantly surprised with the outcomes. I had to edit seadramon, runnermon and weregarurumon(I hope thats ok) but I'ld love your input!

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5 months later and I've really grown to love this Digimon drawing. When I first did Garurumon I'll admit I wasn't really that impressed with it compared to Magnadramon. It is my best Garurumon yet, but it didn't click with me. As the months went by, I really appreciated more.

5 22

Digimon fan that wishes their was an Omegamon variant for VictoryGreymon and Z'dGarurumon while also complaining about their being too many Omegamon variants at the same time (what we really need is variants of Agumon -Yuki no Kizuna- and Gabumon -Yujo no Kizuna- if you ask me).

22 56

Es momento de apreciar a Garurumon de Digimon Adventure ✨

29 137

The most upsetting thing in all of Digimon has got to be the fact that no VictoryGreymon and ZeedGarurumon Omegamon variant exists.

151 1067

Friendly Weregarurumon returns! To be honest, I don't know if this is canon to the rest of my other Digimon drawings (or are the other drawings not canon 😬).

1992 10609

Top Digimon Favoritos
No.28: Garurumon

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For today's cerbiernes, how about we have all 3 boys combined into one? Garurumon, Garurumon (black) and Gururumon.

Warmup thingy (and an excuse to draw cerbs).

17 69

I don't know why but I just find Garurumon and Mizusar somewhat familiar to each other

They both have large jaws and have the same color of blue on their pallete


Regardless, I find it a great comparison. Garurumon is one of my fav Digimon and Mizusar is really great too

7 26

A reminder that this isn’t a Garurumon and does NOT count as one. 🙃

50 434

YCH Wheel of Fuck. - T bone X Weregarurumon

17 47

Digital Monster ❌(デジタルモンスターX)
White -Metal Garurumon (X-Antibody)

13 31


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Kira mega evolution will be cresgarurumon
And for Sol mega evolution will be darkdramon
Because I can't draw humanoid Digimon-

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