Awesome paintings produced by my year 11. 👏🏼👍🏼 best class I have ever taught watch this space 🤗

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Awesome paintings produced by my year 11. 👏🏼👍🏼 best class I have ever taught watch this space 🤗

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me realising year 11 is over in less than 6 months

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Are you adult who wants to resit your Maths or English GCSEs? Now is the time to enrol! Come along to both Buxton /Leek Campuses:
*Thursday 23 August - 9am-6pm
*Friday 24 August - 9am-4pm
*Tuesday 28 August - 9am-7pm
Lessons start: Monday 3 Sep Call 08000740099

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When you get your English Language paper and you can write a film review.

I know let's write about Toy Story.

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Good luck to Louis, Owen, Harry, Taylor, and all of our year 11 artists currently sitting exams. We hope to see you all at your exhibition!

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I'm tired and blind, kill me please.

Have a bunch of doodles I did in class.
Fuck gcses.

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It's not too late to turn your GCSEs into a career in Games, Animation or VFX:

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LOGIN - LISTEN - LEARN : Revise for your with our revision songs @ -

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