I will also post what I currently have done for art fight
(Of people who have twitter handles)
's Eduard
's Damion
's Gefesté

There was a lot of fun to draw all A+ designed 👌💯😍

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Happy Cinco De Mayo!  Besides being a gorgefest in the USA, it’s the day Mexico beat the French against crazy odds. I love lucha libre wrestlers.  

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PEOPLE OF come to the EMERGE FESTIVAL 21 APRIL 2017:FREE West Mids based arts festivals led by young people celebrating https://t.co/QLAL3SkqTD

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Usual HIGNFY thing that they can’t find funny women to mix up the white male sausagefest of TV comedy. Well speak for yourself as I’m fecking hilarious. I’ve done this in homage to all the female cartoonists knocked back by PE with the same email.
We’re very funny. Keep drawing!

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Le Song Orchestra juste avant leur concert 16/9/2016 L'#EtrangeMusique

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Lots of great food options at this weekend in including the incredible

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ich habe nie so schön von Fan angefestigter Bild gesehen

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