1. Messy watercolor painting of a Japanese geisha/geigi/geiko woman in Artflow
2. Glow Wispy 2 painting of a Japanese geisha/geiko woman painting

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Watercolor splash brush painting of a Japanese geisha/geigi/geiko woman, wearing a purple kimono, and with a red obi in Artflow

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1. A watercolor splash brush painting of a Japanese geisha/geiko/geigi woman in Artflow
2. A watercolor splash painting of a brunette Japanese geisha/geigi/geiko woman
3. A mixed media drawing of a green-eyed Japanese autistic geisha/geigi/geiko woman in Sketchbook

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A brunette Japanese geisha/geiko/geigi woman watercolor painting in Artflow, by using the watercolor splash brushes

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Green-eyed Japanese autistic geisha/geigi/geiko woman with her mouth open, her tongue, and her red lipstick in Infinite Painter, with chisel-tip markers

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An art pencil and an art pencil medium of a green-eyed Japanese autistic geisha/geigi/geiko, and with the Japanese flag in Sketchbook

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Green-eyed Japanese autistic geisha/geiko/geigi woman in Sketchbook, by using an art pencil in Sketchbook

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Watercolor splash painting of a Japanese geisha/geigi/geiko woman, the country of Japan, and with the Japanese flag in Artflow

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1. A Japanese geisha/geiko/geigi woman dancing with her eyes closed, and with the Japanese flag.
2. A brunette Japanese geisha/geiko/geigi woman in Artflow

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Green-eyed Japanese autistic geisha/geigi/geiko woman drawing and painting in Sketchbook

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A Japanese geisha/geiko/geigi woman dancing with her red Japanese fans; she's entertaining guests in the ochaya (Japanese geisha/geiko/geigi women teahouses) in Kyoto, Japan. People are watching her dancing, and drinking Japanese matcha green tea in the ochaya, in Artflow

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Splash watercolor painting of a brunette Japanese geisha/geiko/geigi woman and with the Japanese flag, in Artflow

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1. Mixed media drawing and painting of Ally McBeal being shot with arrows from the dancing baby dressed up as Cupid hallunication. In season 2 episode 14, "Pyramids on the Nile."
2. Brunette Japanese geisha/geiko/geigo woman with a heart

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🌈secondary sale👘
Do you know geiko? A geiko is a geisha who has become a full-fledged after training in Kyoto, Japan.
Come and see NFT geiko! She is waiting for your pick-up😉💕

✅Check it out!

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Watercolor splash painting, of the Japanese flag, and with a brunette Japanese geisha/geiko/geigi woman in ArtFlow. The Japanese geisha/geiko/geigi woman, is dancing with her red Japanese fans

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🌈secondary sale👘
Do you know geiko? A geiko is a geisha who has become a full-fledged after training in Kyoto, Japan.
Come and see NFT geiko! She is waiting for your pick-up😉💕

✅Check it out!

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I made these drawings while I has having a panic attack, and feeling nauseous. I felt relaxed and better, after I made these drawings.
1.Brunette "Geisha Lavender" Service Geisha/Geiko/Geigi Woman, she's wearing purple lipstick
2. Brunette Service Geisha/Geiko/Geigi Woman

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1. Purple kimono, and red obi Japanese geisha/geiko/geigi woman, by using the watercolor splash in ArtFlow, like my recurring geisha/geiko/geigi woman dream
2. Sculpture of a Japanese geisha/geiko/geigi woman in Sculpt+

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