Tradin this 2 accs
Lf: Na offers (that have venti)
Nlf: lowballs

0 0

Im desesperate for a NA acc w/ venti + xiao help, pls don't offer smth else if you dont hav em sorry

0 1

Trading this 10×5 NA acc
Lf: acc w/ venti on NA (at least 6x5)
Ngf due scam of my main 😢

1 0

Trading this 10×5 NA acc
Lf: acc w/ venti of same value on NA
Ngf due scam of my main 😢

0 3

Trading this acc
Lf: NA offers only, that are the same value

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Trading this 2 accs
Lf: A venti acc w/ same value on NA
Willin to trade both if the acc big (T▽T)

0 3

Trading this accs
Lf: Venti accs on NA w/ the same value (Must be: AR 50+) (T▽T)
Willin to trade both if its big acc

0 1

Trading this accs
Lf: Venti accs on NA w/ the same value (Must be: AR 50+) (T▽T)
Willin to trade both if its big acc

0 1

Trading this 2 NA accs
Lf: A NA venti acc w/ the same value
Willin to trade both if its a big acc ╥﹏╥ (Must be: AR 50+)

1 0

Trading this 2 NA accs
Lf: A NA venti acc w/ the same value
Willin to trade both if its a big acc ╥﹏╥

0 0

Trading this 2 NA accs
Lf: A NA venti acc w/ the same value
Willin to trade both if its a big acc ╥﹏╥

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