What if GLT chara become Arknights operator?

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David Fortin does a lot of work on environment and prop design so here are some from the GLT DLC. He has a bunch of works to establish the overall idea of the environment than does in to explain the function of it. He also shows off he can do character design by including it.

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speaking of tsukumizu.. i've been thinking about GLT lately and I still haven't started shimeji simulation probably gonna read the first few chapters tomorrow

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そしてこいつの告知をついにできる! 出し惜しみしていたサークルチビサイ屋もう一つのまとめ本、「エースコンバットGLT」の表紙仕上がりました! 書いてくれたのは通称「親愛なる隣人・ムエタイX」さんです! 本当にありがとうございます!!

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omminous shit with implied huge lore and explanations that just aren't provided is the shit i crave. i love stuff that makes my mind wander. stuff like glt and mia does it well but uzumaki really slaps with it in a hard dose.

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ゲームID : XGJ2GLT4

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ゲームID : XGJ2GLT4

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ゆた さん【@ lshii_RICO_GLT】

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