Happy Goku Day Everyone!

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Goku Black for

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Happy Goku dayy~ heres a lil phone doodle of this cutie pie🥺💕

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While im working on the Goku Day picture, heres some Goku art I've done on my new laptop!

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Happy Goku Day!
I celebrate by drawing my favorite form 🔥🔥🔥

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nothing but respect for this fantastic and misunderstood wholesome boy right here. One of the greats. This day is well deserved.

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🐉 Harmony Cels Son Goku 🐉

Dragon Ball Z EP 5, 30, 247 & 291

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Bon a tout le monde ❗
Du coup, petit Goku dans mon style ! 🥳🥳🥳

En espérant que les images du prochain films seront éblouissante 😉👍

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Also happy here’s an abomination I made while watching GT with and wondering why Goku becomes an adult when he goes SS4, when by all accounts he should still be a kid. You’re welcome.

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Heres the unfinished version of this I stealth uploaded on the 4th. :D I kinda wanted to do this since I saw the original scene on Twitter, Goku day just gave me a good excuse to start it.

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