Day 15: Ghost Type

Game Freak said "Let's make a giant mecha Pokémon, but make it look like it came right out of Legend of Zelda"

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622 - Golett
Type: Ground/Ghost

These Pokémon are thought to have been created by the science of an ancient and mysterious civilization.

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golett!! one of my fav pokemon...

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Pokemon Art Redemption with Twitch Channel Points:

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622 - Golett
Type: Ground/Ghost

These Pokémon are thought to have been created by the science of an ancient and mysterious civilization.

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622 - Golett
Type: Ground/Ghost

These Pokémon are thought to have been created by the science of an ancient and mysterious civilization.

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I believe so...a buddy sent me a picture of a golett they captured recently

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No. 622: Golett
Automaton Pokémon

The energy that burns inside it enables it to move, but no one has yet been able to identify this energy.

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🌊 Goletouga is a fusion of Golett and Tirtouga from Pokémon! I hope you like this little FUSEmon~ Expect an evolved form soon!

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My Blades in the Dark character, Rigoletto. He's a Quasimodo/Phantom of the Opera/Castle Freak type of guy. A sneak thief... but with a good heart and a passion for painting.

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622 - Golett
Type: Ground/Ghost

These Pokémon are thought to have been created by the science of an ancient and mysterious civilization.

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Aquí está el concept de Frey que hice para 🌸
Me dieron una base del personaje sobre la que trabajar y además querían un diseño steampunk! Como podéis ver, también incluí detallitos del diseño de Golett en su vestimenta
No os encantan sus lentillas? Son lo más! 💖

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golurk and golett gijinka sketch

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My take on 's , I don't think it needs any explanation...🙂🙃..watched it recently on YT with Wixell and Gruberova - as good as can ever get...

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so i did a little draw of an old oc ^^, i need draw more of my oc, but is very hard, i have no ideas with them, but anyway, i really wanted to draw this sea angel, golett is just a big cutie!

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No.088 ゴーレムポケモン
ゴビット Golett

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