Meskipun lg social-distancing di rumah, bukan berarti jadi tdk produktif, gaes! Drpd bengong, Bumilangit mau nantang kamu untuk dgn ikutan

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3.) Water:
Dewgong, Vaporeon, Keldeo

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‘Some sketches from our beach trips around Gerringong, such beautiful beaches and beautiful people, very strange weather and very much feeling the climate change’

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Resumen del Refugio de como están actualmente:
1º Es. Gypsy VS Horn
2º Es. Nadie
3º Es. Nadie
4º Es. Umbra, Zen, Vanner y Drum VS Dulzaina, Gong, Shekere y Fagot
5º Es. Organa cosiendo una bufandita
6º Es. Arlek VS Banjo
7º Es. Nadie
8º Es. Bass VS Bongo

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The conjunction of Venus and Jupiter plus bonus nga Moon. 😍😍😍

The alignment of 3 celestial bodies.

Location: Impasugong, Bukidnon
Time: 6:10pm-6:20pm

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random playing tengah malem gini amat dah, mau kerjain project malah jadi diem, trs bengong, trs nganu..

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Happy birthday to PGong, Would like your life is always colorful!

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Kanto 087- Dewgong, Water/Grass. Giving Seel a Water Stone allows it to evolve into Qamor Dewgong! It's ability Dew Point makes the air around it incredibly damp and wet, which adds Water type to all pokemon on the field as long as this pokemon is on stage 💧

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I got Lickigong, and i'm in love ✨

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I'll be at the awesome Comic Gong this Saturday, May 11, in Wollongong, and will have plenty of copies of and my other books. It's the best one-day comic event in Australia and those in the vicinity, make sure you come by. Admission is FREE!

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The perceptive among you could probably tell this one was inspired by that one scene in Mulan~
General Gong is a fearsome and mighty general and could never infultrate his way into enemy territory right? But a beautiful lady could!
(Her official unofficial name is Dragong, k?~)

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The which I've renamed the Pillar, because of the Chinese legend of Gong Gong, a deity/creature that destroyed the pillar holding up the sky, resulting in the tilted axis of the earth.

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▼『10月31日(水)札幌@DUCESAPPORO ”街おこし”』

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Aayee~~! It's finally done X"D
Punakawan 4: (from left to right) Bagong, Petruk, Gareng

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Kami Adi and Gong, talking about something...maybe about Papayas?

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10. Some of my *ALL TIME FAV POKEMONS* are Tropius, Ampharos, Arcanine, Incineroar, Spoink, Dewgong, Misdreavus, Charjabug, and Swinub

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POKEMON!!! ON ICE - a YOI x Pokemon AU, Part 1/6 Victor Nikiforov with Alolan!Ninetails, Dewgong, and Articuno

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