I love this evolution so I hope I can draw them good. Are you enjoying my arts?

092/905+ Gastly

0 1

Here's the boi. It's late but I did it! :)

090/905+ Shellder

0 1

Slime boi Jr

088/905+ Grimer

0 0

Was a little distracted while drawing but he still came out goood! I hope you like it!

086/905+ Seel

0 1

I had a good time drawing this one tonight! Wanted to try shading a little differently :3

084/905+ Doduo

0 1

I spent entirely too long on this with not much to show. I wasn't really feeling it tonight sorry

083/905+ Fargetch'd

0 1

I would've drawn and posted earlier but i accidentally played fortnite all day. here is magnet borg
Hope you're enjoying these arts

081/905+ Magneton

0 1

I would've drawn and posted earlier but i accidentally slept all day but here is magnet boi

081/905+ Magnemite

0 1

Bro came out a little skinny so I need you to send some poké snacks :3

080/905+ Slowbro

0 1

Had fun with this quick easy boi. Gotta work on my highlights but I love how it turned out

079/905+ Slowpoke

0 1

I can't draw horse or fire very good but this came out okay

078/905+? Rapidash

0 1

Speed drawing because I wanted to get this done. It's kinda scuffed

077/905+? Ponyta

0 2

Rock boi 3: planet
I was feeling kinda lazy today so no shading

076/905+? Golem

1 5

Starting off was a little difficult but after getting the first few shapes down everything else followed smoothly. So many noodle arms aaa I hope you like!

072/905+? Tentacruel

0 1

Plant bois are done! In so excited for the upcoming pokemons! They're gonna be so much fun to draw!

071/905+? Victreebel

0 2

I really love these simple ones it gives me extra time to try new ways of drawing/coloring ♡

Are you enjoying them?

070/905+? Weepinbell

0 1

I was laughing the whole time drawing this one! Not only is it hump day but also Pokémon 69 haha >///<


069/905+? Bellsprout

0 1

Little guy is ready to fight for you! Will you give him fist bumps :3 This was so fun to draw!

066/905+? Machop

0 2

This guy gave me a little bit of a hard time but I like how he turned out :3

064/905+? Kadabra

0 1

Mega Oval boi with spiral oooooooo


Such swirly! Are you getting dizzy? Relax here with me awhile :3

062/905+? Poliwrath

0 0