A few more adopt sketches- this time from ! I bought a few of these a looong time ago, so I'm happy to finally have the inspiration for them! qoq

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...And lastly, portraits of LOZ OCs of mine I'm repurposing for Aurelia. I swear whenever I'm super busy is the only time I want to actually work on things for myself.

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Cool down sketch from last night- eventually Nic redeems one drunken "Lord Stirling", and makes him into a presentable dude.

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Hahaha what if I posted more concept art for Nichol... Just kidding... Unless?
(Don't mention Dimitri I'm begging you)

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Cool down sketches vov Jun has some conflict with a very specific group of Warforged who have developed magic that just tears organics apart- and he hasn't found a way to heal these cuts yet.

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New sketches for Aretheia- she's been on the back burner for a long time, but since I've been using Robin and Morgan a lot, I thought I'd give her some attention again.

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I'm just trying to keep what pieces of me are left together

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Blaise used to be a stained glass masterpiece before he fell- and he used to be close friends with Vincent as well, before Vincent became an asshole.

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Revenge @ Twili-Skull-Kid!
This is actually one of my designs but I've always wanted to draw her again 🥺

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Revenge attack on !! This character design is really something else- the hair, the palette, the armor, it's so GORGEOUS.

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Attacks ! Drawing some of my favs of her gaggle of characters vov

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