Next up, my reimagined Zeo Ranger IV, Green! Definitely one of my favourites.

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I know some people just like the TV show, but I love the world building the comics and other media are doing with new teams ❤️

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My new / Print!

On November 19 - 21 2021 I will be in for

I will be at the artist alley table I1. If you are going why not drop by and say "Hi"

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Green Rangers tribute from last year (not a cover!).
After his introduction, the Green Ranger was my favourite ranger back when i watched Power Rangers as a Kid. Which one was yours?

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Green Ranger - pilot of the Dragonzord 8/25

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Preview de Power Rangers donde vemos que el Yellow Emissary se ha vuelto loco y ha atacado a los Omega Rangers.
Es cómic saldrá a la venta el 15 de Septiembre.

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Preview de Power Rangers donde vemos que el Yellow Emissary se ha vuelto loco y ha atacado a los Omega Rangers.
Es cómic saldrá a la venta el 15 de Septiembre.

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Preview de Mighty Morphin el cuál saldrá a la venta el 8 de Septiembre.
Aquí vemos que los Rangers se preparan para invadir la base de Lord Zedd y rescatar a Candice.

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Póster de Mighty Morphin Power Rangers hecho por David Nakayama. Este se encuentra a la venta en Shop Trends por un precio de $18 USD.

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