The Arcueil Aqueduct at Sceaux Railroad Crossing, Jean Baptiste Armand Guillaumin, 1869

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Hey! You might like Armand Guillaumin . Cheers

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Armand Guillaumin, un des premiers et des plus fidèles participants du groupe des impressionnistes, est né le 16 février 1841 à Paris, et mort le 26 juin 1927 à Orly.

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Nothing can stop spring from coming. We love the colours in Elena Guilaumin´s paintings, they really cheer us up!

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congrats on your great taste in Twitter accounts! It would be even more impressive if you followed Armand Guillaumin , too 😉 Cheers,

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, hey there. This is and in addition to this account I also run the account for Armand Guillaumin . Check it out

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thanks for following! You might also like my other account - Armand Guillaumin . Cheers,

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, if you want even more goodness in your feed check out Armand Guillaumin . 🙏

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Armand Guillaumin은 인상주의 화가중에서 아마 처음으로 공장 굴뚝을 풍경화에 넣은 사람일 것이다...부르조아의 아름다운 정원이 아닌 쓸쓸하고 고즈넉한 풍경, 그리고 구불구불한 나무와 마치 컬같은 붓터치 등이 고흐에게 미친 영향 또한 크다고 볼 수 있다...

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. Armand Guillaumin - Crozant, solitude 1915 - Sunset at Ivry (Soleil couchant à Ivry) 1873

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Armand Guillaumin
Quai de la Seine à Paris

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