> ポケモンスカーレットバイオレットの主人公描いて https://t.co/GwMyhI6EYd

0 4

Somari and the Guardian of the Forest Creator Asks for Support to Possibly Resume Manga Someday Manga ended in 2020 due to Yako Gureishi's worsening health

2 1

A autora de "Somali to Mori no Kamisama", Yako Gureishi, está pedindo ajuda dos fãs da obra para que comprem o mangá.

Ela quer retomar a série (explicaremos o caso nos próximos tweets), porém ela para isso, ela precisa de assistentes, e no momento, ela não consegue pagar eles + https://t.co/QnkLpihexr

125 279

> 小原鞠莉さんの美しい紫のドレス。『月夜のフェアリーテイル』(『スクスタ』の一編)より。

0 10

Behold the Power and prepare for Pain!
The Warlord will be part of ' Wrestling Megastars Series 3!
Concept art by !

6 57

RETWEET the PINNED TWEET on to enter to win a Ultimate Edition Wave 9 from !

181 184

●Monster Hunter × Digimon●
A giant bird digimon that used to fly around the Ancient times, uses his beak and massive wings to fight.

38 181

somali to mori no kamisama - yako gureishi

✧ fantasy elements,, you know i love my fantasy
✧ sadly it was cancelled because of the creators health 😭 but i did read that they’re intending to continue it when they get better (we still have hope!)

6 34

> ピカチュウと天王寺璃奈で二人でにっこりん(口からしたボード)付き。
是非お願いします。 https://t.co/zth3HF8iPR

60 187

Very excited to design this Pandora’s Box Toys & Collectibles Exclusive ! Coming soon!

Very nice, very evil!

2 11

New Pandora's Box Toys & Collectibles Exclusive coming soon!
Designed by !
Stay tuned for more info!

26 187

I begin to wonder what's Chibi-ro doing in that testing dimension I asked Gurei to send him to...

...because I was told by Kyouta that the energy he got from the supersoldier experiment has aggressive tendencies.

35 215

> 人魚🧜‍♀️ 天王寺璃奈 https://t.co/Df2ScOUeme

43 102

Ia ler os spoilers ontem mas segurei
Mlk que capítulo

0 1

"Netrix não era bom, nunca fora, porém, existia uma parte dentro dele que ansiava em ver a luz novamente. Mas isso não significava mais nada. Não depois de tudo, não depois de eras se sentindo vazio."

segurei por 1 ano e revelo no meu niver 🗣️


6 12

é isso galera, segurei isso por 2 semanas,MAS CONHEÇAM O VERDADEIRO MITSUDA!!!

1 8

. is coming to ' Wrestling Megastars!
You decide which era is made!
'93, '95', or '97?
Voting will begin very soon!

16 107

jura had long hair as a kid and is the youngest kid to a rich noble well known family and had to Act like it and hated every moment of it

revlis, little gurei, was a NERD who was raised near a town of humans who were afraid of vampires and he curiously watched them from afar

0 9


As promised, here's the Google Form for your private greetings/message submissions for me!

And a treat for mutuals, reply a ⚡ below and I'll say something about/for you! (Gonna DM you for a number)

14 14