Ryuji Yamazaki é completamente louco, insano, descontrolado...
Mesmo sendo um Hakkesshu, que são os oitos fiéis seguidores de Orochi, ele foi o único que nunca atendeu ao chamado do deus mais poderoso do universo da SNK, seguindo sua própria vontade e desejos.

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11 days left until first trailer of KOFXV

Today countdown with final chapter of Orochi Saga .Yes, it's KOF97

New Face (aka CYS) team join kof on their first time . Yamazaki from FF3 turn to one of Hakkesshu , Iori have no team and Shingo debute too!❤️


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From Fatal Fury 3, Yamazaki was an orphan trying to survive on Okinawa streets and was found by the yakuza chief Sorimachi. Determined to become like him, Yamazaki joins the organized crime.
In KOF he's a hakkesshu, but Orochi can't control him.

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Originário da série Fatal Fury, Yamazaki era um órfão nas ruas de Okinawa, até encontrar o chefe da yakuza Sorimachi. Decidido a ser como ele, Ryuji se une ao crime organizado.
Em KOF ele seria hakkesshu, mas Orochi não consegue controlá-lo.

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The main reason why Capcom vs SNK 3 cannot exist right now is that, considering how all the Hakkesshu are alive again in KoF's canon, we, as a society, would not be able to handle all the fanart of these two characters coexisting in the same space. We're just not there yet.

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He and the Hakkesshu manage the balance between nature and humans. 1800 years ago he tried to eliminate the human race, but Kusanagi, Yata and Yasakani clans defeat him. In KOF 97 Orochi returned, but Kyo, Iori and Chizuru sealed him again.

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