The official Digimon Twitter, , tweeted this hq images for Sukasimon and Shakkoumon!!

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(Shakoukidoguu: an ancient Japanese statue)

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I still advocate for ClavisAngemon to be the Shakkoumon Mega.

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wanted me to redesign Shakkoumon for not being very “cute” and as much as I dig Dogu statues I will admit it kid me was extremely confused by this guy

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Oh God, in that case please fix shakkoumon. He was so much cuter as armadillomon

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shakkoumon is one of the best angel digimon and I will NOT accept slander of them

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The 937 - Harmonious Shield! Late-Early Armory, will do Today's later, but have DigiMania! Finishing up the Shakkoumon line with a holy shield!

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Shakkoumon is like the digimon at the party who'd ask you what your blood type is, and then when you ask why they'd just shrug.

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