idk if i posted this ref i made of my chamsona

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I was inspired by @/kappanuki and @/Sundaero to make a hamsona! Meet Celeste, the starry sky loving hamster!

I doubt I’ll draw her much in the future given I have enough OCs, this was just for fun!


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more hamster girl/my hamsona concepts...... (v....tuber??? haha it's the dream... but i cant afford to... so i will make designs in the meantime)

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I've been meaning to do this for a while but I made myself a ham-hamsona :3

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ta dificil postar aqui
minha irmã ta ficando muito tempo no pc
mas seria hipocrita da minha parte reclamar disso
este eh o token de outro npc do meu rpg
cris hamson
foi dificil desenhar ele, alpacas são parecidas de mais com lhamas

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working on designing a new hamsona x3

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Remember this bean? I miss the

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New hamsona for a Zine I’m modding!

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A huge middle finger in reference to some character development for my chamsona.

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Andy Pritchard and Charlie Abrahamson will be leaving us at the start of the academic year and would like to say a massive thank you for your continued support through this bizarre year.

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this is so fun??? 🐹🌱✨

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and I were talkin about hamsonas and it made me 👀 wanna make one!!!!! LET'S ALL JUST MAKE HAMSONAS IN 2020 🐹🌻💖

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well, I beat Ham Ham Heartbreak for like.. the 50th time the other night & after that I got the urge to make a lil doodle page of my hamsona, Ditzy!! 💖 I luv how they turned out.. she's so cute 🥺💞

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calling myself out because for whatever reason I never draw my hamsona with my glasses or piercings which I can confirm almost never leave my face. Idk if its out of laziness or what but I need to stop pretending I dont wear glasses.

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