"baseless" (Patterns & Singles
without foundation, groundless.

From Series B.

1 0

"base¹" (Patterns & Singles
1 that on which a thing stands or is built up. 2 the place in which a fleet or army keeps its main stores and offices. 3 a fixed point in certain games.

From Series B.


0 0

This work was supposed to be released on the weekend of the same week when the game was released, but again, the author is lazy, and delayed it for several weeks :)

My telegram:

0 3

"barren" (Patterns & Singles
1 producing no fruit or seed. 2 unable to produce young, infertile. 3 unable to produce crops. 4 useless, not productive.

From Series B.

0 0

"barrage" (Patterns & Singles
1 a bar across a river to make the water deeper. 2 a concentration of heavy gunfire on a certain area. 3 a large number made rapidly one after the other.

From Series B.

0 0

Я уже видела много хуманизаций Храза, но.... а что если знаете... РЫЖИЙ?
Мне срочно был необходим скетч этого на коленке за 30 минут

4 33

N: Yes, he's a good person...

Да ебучие пироги Серёжа!

8 100

Пионер всегда готов!

Я готова умереть ради него.

3 32