Look look it's Mareep the electro sheep gonna lul you to sleep :3
I hope you like it! 🐑🤍

179/905+ Mareep

0 2

Whose your favourite I want to delve far and wide with my pirate Pokémon and with spooky season upon us I want to draw more ghost/dark/psychic ones. 👻

2 22

Another one down wooo :)

176/905+ Togetic

0 1

Togepi is probably one of my favorites because it's soo cute plus EGG

175/905+ Togepi

0 1

Igglybuff use cute charm!
*Igglybuff used cute charm!*
Kegu was charmed @

174/905+ Igglybuff

0 0

It's cleffa Awoooo! :D

173/905+ Cleffa

0 1

Hey look I drew Pichu I guess

172/905+ Pichu

0 2

Time to start showing some of my wife’s art work:
series! I think if we both like she will start drawing some of those characters!

2 5

I'm really happy with my drawing tonight! I had a lot of fun drawing it but you know what's more fun? Drawing with more friends! Everyone should come hang out and draw dumb stuff with me :D I hope this drawing gives you motivation! ♡

168/905+ Ariados

0 4

Learn to wait patiently. When you see friends being blessed, be happy for them. Pray for their well-being so the Almighty might grant you the same favors. Your turn will come.

Art by

0 4

Here come the web boi! Do you think there's a frown on his abdomen because him poison?

167/905+ Spinarak

0 0

Looks like it could pass off as a fairy type to me because it's sooo cute uwaa

166/905+ Ledian

0 0

Today we have the ladybug of power. Watch out it might get you with bug powers xD

165/905+ Ledyba

0 1

Hoot hoot has evolved into a bigger birb :3

164/905+ Noctowl

0 1

Such a cute little floof! I enjoyed drawing today :D

161/905+ Sentret

0 3

The biggest angy fire boi is ready to monch on your head nom nom :P

157/905+ Typhlosion

0 1

Late drawing because i got distracted by games and ended up super tired but here's the boi. I enjoyed drawing. He looks a bit concerned about something off screen xD

156/905+ Quilava

0 2

It was so relaxing drawing tonight. I tried out making the fire glow I think it looks cool ♡

155/905+ Cyndaquil

0 1