SHIFUUU iwanttobewithyou 😭

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We helped Higan Daybreak publish their albums "Wild and Wonderful World" and "Hifuugatari" for You can find them both at 南ヌ-26b on Day 4 (Monday).

LOTS of hard work went into the music and the publication of these albums, so please stop by and say hello!

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コミケスペース「南26b」で1000円に「秘封語」と「Wild and Wonderful World」を売る

We will be selling Hifuugatari and Wild and Wonderful World at our booth at ¥1000 each. Please look forward to it.

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of 's gorgeous OC Shifuu. Barachan has been an inspiration to me and one of my favorite artists since the early days of Ragnarok Online. 🥰

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이번 사운드 홀릭은

'HI'ME 와 'FUU' 를 합친

HIFUU 이거같다.

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My progress on drawing , Shifuu, in my i guess "style". It's been a good minute since I've drawn something since my accident some years ago. I broke my right hand and was was told it would never heal back fully. Lost the strength in my ringer finger and pinky sadly.

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Hifuus doing Hifuu things. 29/03/2018

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Retro Sci-Fi Hifuu~💫✨

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『タビビと巨像』 第13の……タビビって誰やねーーーん! VYMHIfuU_vEa45mGHAxB2SdV

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『ボクサー犬』 鍛え上げた上半身、引き締まった下半身にスタミナ、フットワークの良さ、その他天才的センスを兼ね揃えた天才ボクサー!…かもしれない。 SoMHIfuU_vEa45mGHAxB2SdK

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『♪風は西から /奥田民生』 poMHIfuU_vEa45mGHAxB2Sem

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『♪天国うまれ /甲本ヒロト』 ロ~シナンテ&俺~♪ yoMHIfuU_vEa45mGHAxB2SfK

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『♪カレーライスにゃかなわない /真島昌利』 roMHIfuU_vEa45mGHAxB2Seu

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『歯医者復活』 歯医者さん、超怖い。 qYMHIfuU_vEa45mGHAxB2Sep

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『♪夏の朝にキャッチボールを /川村かおり』 EIMHIfuU_vEa45mGHAxB2ScQ

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『プテラノ丼』 氷河期が訪れるまでは肉食恐竜達に定番のメニューだった。今では絶滅し幻のメニューである。 d4MHIfuU_vEa45mGHAxB2Sd3

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奈良美智風『ジョディ・ホームズ /Jodie Holmes』 BEYOND: two souls体験版をプレイしました。…こんな感じに見えたんだよね。 k4MHIfuU_vEa45mGHAxB2SeT

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『花と影』花XIII 久々に描いてみました花シリーズ。自分で言うのも何ですが、コイツら上半身あったんだ…。 DIMHIfuU_vEa45mGHAxB2ScM

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『最後の一撃は綺羅星のごとく、切な~い。』 「クウタロウ!そっちちゃうで!それはアカン、怒られるで。」 aYMHIfuU_vEa45mGHAxB2Sdp

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