Hoy 25 de Julio cumple años Matsuri Himeyama de Oppai no Ouja 48 ~ Nanimo Kangaezu Menomae no Oppai Zenbu Shabure !~.

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YES! // Himeya Soft // PC-98 //

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This week's is: Ultraman Nexus!
An Ultra with multiple hosts who all gain a mysterious light that passes between them, including journalist Jun Himeya, amusement park employee Ren Senju, Night Raider captain Nagi Saijo, and officer Kazuki Komon.

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https://t.co/rAUyKxTs2Z kongou (kancolle) yamato (kancolle) by himeyamato

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https://t.co/tiL3ssYaZi kiyoshimo (kancolle) musashi (kancolle) nagato (kancolle) by himeyamato

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https://t.co/H9CKmVEur4 hiei (kancolle) musashi (kancolle) yamato (kancolle) by himeyamato

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BACTA 2 // Himeya Soft // PC-98 //

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BACTA 2 // Himeya Soft // PC-98 //

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BACTA 2 // Himeya Soft // PC-98 //

16 140

Ash. // Himeya Soft // PC-98 //

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https://t.co/rt6fVjKtaf colorado (kancolle) nagato (kancolle) nelson (kancolle) by himeyamato

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I just love them together so much, it's very easy to draw them since I'm used to draw this ship dynamic

(and I like the idea of Yachiyo always teasing but when Fumi is the one who acts she gets flustered)

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