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Try to follow Iofi's #holoctober prompt if time allows.
Day 11 - Villain
Where does the hissing sound come from? 🤨
L’illustrazione realizzata per la nuova stagione 2022/2023 di @piemontedalvivo ovvero danza contemporanea, concerti, circo, prosa e teatro ragazzi in tutto il #piemonte !
Se vi capita io vi consiglio di dare un occhio al calendario ricchissimo di eventi… https://t.co/oLFVWu6h98
Shhh! Do you hear that hissing?
Poor Angelina. She was requested to test out a VERY ICONIC suit, for a Halloween party, but little did she know that it’s not the suit, that was going to be PUFFED UP, but her body!
Credit for art goes to @wuff_puff
#bodyinflation #inflationart
Seriously, what's that hissing? It's getting louder! https://t.co/wt3Vq1n9kY
Hey hissies... The seasonal depression is flarin' up pretty bad, but I haven't seen you guys since Saturday... I really wanna stream, but I'm feeling pretty down. What do you think I should do? I'm sure I could pick myself up once I started, but I don't know if I can start...
slept from the second period to seventh period and everytime a teacher tried to wake them up they started hissing like a cat
You ever just find a shiny rock somewhere one moment, then you can't hold it in your glossy, digit-less paws the next?
Nevah here is wishing she didn't!
Overly puffy pooltoys can't walk it seems, and by the sound of that hissing, she's not getting any smaller *CRRK!* 💦
Here's my cameo!! I'm chewing my Cintiq and hissing at director James Krenzke 😛 @ericjpringle is lit 🔥🔥🔥 Peggy Regan is extinguishing him. @Space_Lt_Josh is boarding next to me. EERock's shaking his Cintiq. Renoni's soul has left his body. @Melcbailey is screaming
Io: che bello, ho consegnato questo lavoro lunghissimo che mi ha tolto anima e vita, ora dormo almeno una settimana prima toccare di nuovo la tavoletta grafica.
Sempre io, dieci minuti dopo la consegna:
@valentinainat1 Ciao, Vale! Allora facciamo 2 personal art e 2 commissions (se no sarebbero state 4 commissioni di Cara in a row). Grazie 😭🙏❤️
Ed è comunque una richiesta a tradimento perché del personal art la lista è lunghissima perché amo il tuo lavoro e la tua arte. BLESS!!!?
Sono Online da pochissimo le foto scattate dai nostri Bazarini all'ultimo ALEcomics e voi ci siete stati? nel caso taggatevi e ditecelo nei commenti ^^
#Alecomics #Alessandria #Alecomics2022 #Alecomics2022 #Alecomics22 #Cosplay #Settembre2022
HEWWO my hissies... Tonight is me finishing Metal Gear Rising Revengeance... Are you excited? For me to LET 'ER RIP!?
I am. Let's get saucy Jack to finish up.