Hercules Fire Instagram Lens is now available on Catchar. Check it out 👉 https://t.co/FSNXXIkD02
Pre-register on Catchar 2.0 today 👉 https://t.co/F0SR27gl6h

1 4

Looking to achieve performant and high quality visuals on Try using the GPU accelerated texture channel packer within the https://t.co/y9wM9JRt2z

14 45

人の目レベルのVR/AR「XR-1」12月末に国内発売、「HoloLens 2」は9月発売か ー 週間振り返りVR/AR/MRニュース - Mogura VR News https://t.co/7OOUMTvCGh

57 114

Today I met
I told him my thoughts and dreams!
With my own mouth, with Hololens power,
and all HoloRanger Thank You!

7 23

[描いた] I drew Alex Kipman (in anime style), the great inventor of HoloLens! I love HoloLens which has addicted me, and I can't wait developing HoloLens 2 apps using v2 and running on a real device😍

の父キップマンさんを描ました☺️ Microsoft で描いた

44 327

Back to the future in AR
Catchar 2.0 👉https://t.co/F0SR27gl6h. The world's largest AR & MR community and hub. Pre-register today!
via vadim v.

5 12

フリーザはエアータップする方法をよく知っていますね。。。Freeza knows how to air-tap...

7 35


7 18

HoloLens 2で自動車エンジンデモ

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2 Enterprise edition: $3500. Or $125 per month.

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とりあえずポニーテールとリボンを作ってみました。 表現がおもしろいなと思う。

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