he might look scary, but i promise he’s a hufflepuff

29 98

p.s. put me in hufflepuff and I may bodyslam you

0 1

Wednesday HP AU eon wanted, finally a doodle of my fav trio
Basically Sytherin and Hufflepuff dynamics

195 2235

My whole life such a lie I thought I'm Hufflepuff for all along......

0 10

I got myself Slytherin on Pottermore.
but i personally think Mc Unna 💛 would perfectly fit at Gryffindor or Hufflepuff :D https://t.co/AVgkxsn8w4

0 3

Ahh ich bin schon einfach so im Harry Potter Hype!!🥰
Und dank hab ich jetzt auch noch einen super süßen Chibi in passender Uniform💕
Let’s go Hufflepuff~ 🪄✨

Für welches Haus entscheidet ihr euch und warum? (੭ˊ꒳ ˋ)੭ * ੈ✩

2 28

Another batch of HP AU with the ancients~ This house sorting is the hardest😅My reasons are:
- Slytherin's symbol of snake
- Ravenclaw's Creativity
- Hufflepuff's Justice
- Gryffindor's Bravery
Feel free to tell me your opinion~

272 748

p/1 Ten points to the first witch or wizard who can tell me whose chairs these two are sitting in.

0 0

jackalopes, the new
kind, caring, outgoing individuals
definitely has too many pets they call their children, or is a plant addict

0 1

What happened to my Hufflepuff, bear patronus from 7th grade 🥺🥺🥺

0 12

Harry Potter AU 🫶
Slytherin 🐍 & Hufflepuff🦡

331 1329

"Interesting. I have no doubt. You will be a... HUFFLEPUFF!" - Sorting Hat

0 0

Hmm... Interesting. The Sorting Hat made its choice very quickly. You'll be a.... HUFFLEPUFF!

0 1

Alright, the Sorting Hat started with Raysen and decided to send him to... HUFFLEPUFF! As for Enders, hum... he was sent to... HUFFLEPUFF TOO! :)

0 3