We want our leader back.She is our future,our hopes and our light.Don't let take into the darkness again!Let us creat our future with our own hands.Our future depends on,Now I'm fighting for the future of youths!!

1817 1899

Mom do you hear our voices? Please stay strong, we’ll fight with you ❤️

0 16

We will fight together for the future of our youth❗️

Let’s trend together❗️


45 55

We will fight together for the future of our youth❗️

Let’s trend together❗️


18 32

We always stand with Aung San Suu Kyi and we believe our mom.❤️

58 92

Don’t give up .We need to fight for our future .This is our battle with monsters.Together we will win this fight.🇲🇲

2411 3597

We don't want military leadership. It would be a huge setback and a serious blows to our democratic reforms in Myanmar. We want democracy 🇲🇲

680 1044

Let make it our own again, it’s our chance to show our 5 boys that we are still here, loving and supporting them forever, that they should know that we are seeking justice for them.

13 29