To begin the year here are a few portraits of the current Warmonger-in-Chief in the White House, hoping he’ll quickly go back to golfing and leave strategic military decisions to grown-ups.

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Ah the Cheeto has been impeached, but the battle isn’t over.The senate needs to decide to either remove him immediately from office or wait I guess?
Time to sit back and watch his Twitter explode with childish rants/passive aggressive remarks

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Day 1045: 64 years since Rosa Parks was arrested for riding on a bus, or as President Calamari Lips would say, the day public transportation got too uppity.

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Giudice federale: "I Presidenti non sono re."
"Trump: "sono anche!!"

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Trump Has Spent $115 Million On Golf Trips—taxpayers pay for it! 🤨#ImpeachTrump

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“Presidents are not kings.” - Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson.

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All of these embarrassments referring to President Turd Reich as “the Chosen One” make the best case yet for atheism. But I guess a Bronze Age belief system pairs well with a bigot in bronzer.

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Hahaha, both bootlickers and Democratic Party diehards are equally hyped about Vs

Heartless 24 Hours News Conglomerate vs Soulless Trump Croney showdown.

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Shout out to Slave Bikini Nunes for doing his slippery best to please Traitor the Hutt by fishing for that sweet sweet Biden dirt.

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Day 1036: In which an increasingly desperate political party-turned-embarrassing-fan club-for-remedial-toddler-brained-frauds gets their collective accessory asses handed to them.

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