In the Lords debate on the seditious meetings bill, Earl Grosvenor (Whig) said the emergency legislation was likely to cause discontent and indignation. He's been a critic of ministers over Peterloo and refused to contribute towards increased volunteer forces in his home county.

4 4

東京コミコン開催と同時に解禁しましたSum-Art新作。イラストレーターである「劉冬子」氏の作品『鬼神誌』の中から、孫悟空を描いた「心滅 Indignation」を、藤本圭紀氏の手により立体化。全高約47センチという大型サイズの孫悟空、豆魚雷ブースでサンプル展示しております。

47 148

Out of...1stEP「indignations」
release live

この度Out of...は初EPを発売する事が決定しました🎉

22 27

There is no anger colder and deadlier than Ni-Ti rage when one loses Fe empathy for someone.
And no anger that blazes hotter than Fe-Se rage when the fury of righteous indignation takes over.

11 31

i’m laughing @ bucky’s indignation vs steve’s expression

1 16

2/22/19 sometimes the neighbor's cat that i love so much gives me this look through the door of utter indignation

0 0

You know it's getting close to the deadline when we get two submissions in one day. Meet RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION!!

And finally somebody recognizes PPM as the charitable hero he truly is.

2 10

We tolerate the noise
Waiting for silence to descend
Screams so common
In sufferance we stand by
Waiting to vociferate
Our own indignation
Towards the lessons of fools
Who do not listen
Only waiting for their
Chance to speak
Art Elisabetta Renostos

5 17

This MetalMaskFace trope is of course second to the reigning champ, Doctor Doom Wailing In Indignation.

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Indignation (2016)
The least I can say is that it’s a beautiful movie with tins of atmospheric scenes
Trying something new after a month of nothingness

6 11

Excuse me, Zero?

[Leo puffs his chest out, full of indignation, like a dove ruffling its breast.

One more time about my femininity?

0 1

Only ever had time for sketches of the crew but always wanted to try a pass at everything; the Toads, the Righteous Indignation. Someday!

33 141

Tristesse et indignation chez les petits citoyens après les

6 5