My husband asked for a more classic style superhero today, so this one's for him.❤️

Drinktember - Day 12: Mojito

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Me tarde 3 dias en esto
Dia 7

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Kiki en el mundo moderno xd

Dia 5: Dildo

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Heroes come in all shapes, sizes, colors and ages. And some have a really hard time retiring...

Drinktember - Days 10 & 11: Wisconsin Old Fashioned

So, how do you like your Old Fashioned? Brandy or Whiskey? Sweet or Sour?

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This was so much fun, such a breath of fresh air after my bad day yesterday!

Drinktember - Day 9: Strawberry Margarita

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Today's sketch is of Lyme Regis in West Dorset on a damp day.

The viewpoint is at what3words location small.oddly.daydream

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Dia 8 Blank stare dia 9 Empty sinktember

Entonces hize 2 dibujos ayer para publicarlo hoy almenos los 2 pa no desperdiciar tiempo pwp espero les guste uwu/

2 2

Work had me really burned out today, so I rushed this one quite a bit. I'll try and make it up tomorrow. ;-;

Drinktember - Day 8: Irish Coffee

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Oye, tienes algo en la nuca

Día 2: Chi-chan

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I didn't want to overdo this one, as the drink is simple and elegant. And I was totally in a super spy kinda mood... so why not add some invisibility powers?

Drinktember - Day 7: Gin Martini

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A late entry tonight... I had some family business to attend to today. But at least I had enough time to get this put together!

Drinktember - Day 6: Jägerbomb

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Definitely took more inspiration from the name instead of the ingredients today, but I had fun with it still.

Drinktember - Day 5: Grasshopper

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Me uno al sinktember :0 ya hize los 4 solo que queria subir los primero 3 juntos xp pwp espero les guste :0 me ayuda mucho en practicar lo del agua owo

3 4

Por eso no hago full body pq me demoro una vida
Dia 3 MILF

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Okay, I may have gotten a little carried away on this one, but hear me out...'s a cool concept at least, isn't it?

Drinktember - Day 4: Long Island Iced Tea

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Creo que me pase con el tamaño XD
Esta es la mamá de la mamá de la mamá de la mamá de la mamá de la mamá de la mamá de la mamá de la mamá de la mamá de mis 3 ocs xde
Dia 3 - Milf

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