La mano derecha del líder~💕

Un experimento perfecto.
Inteligente, hermosa, peligrosa.
Aunque su forma de actuar la hace ver como una mujer sumisa, aveces infantil, pero es puro veneno.

Muy literal, podría matar o inmovilizar a alguien utilizando su lengua como arma.

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-Inmovilizas al gato
-Despejas el área de las tetas
-Empezar a ordeñarla no hay de otra
-Presiona muy fuerte sus pezones hasta que...

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(+) mientras sostenía sus mejillas, tomó su walkie talkie y pidió ayuda a través de este, pero un fuerte peso cayó sobre los dos, era una red hecha de gruesas cadenas con esferas de metal pesadas en los cuatro extremos, inmovilizadolos con el peso.

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Today on

Paul Mazursky’s tribute to Fellini, starring Donald Sutherland and Ellen Burstyn.


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No vaciló al arrancarse el corazón. Siempre había dudado, pero ahora estaba seguro de que no quería seguir sintiéndose así.
Si amar era sinónimo de sufrir, entonces la mejor opción era recluir a las mariposas de su estómago e inmovilizar a su corazón en un frasco de mermelada.

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Which Jasmine is your Jasmine? ;)
I always wanted to do this illustration to see how live-action Jasmine could look in 2D animation.

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George Segal and Jane Fonda are the Dick and Jane of this spoof of the upper-middle-class.

'Fun with Dick and Jane' (1977)

'The Pope of Greenwich Village' (1984)

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Came across on TV at age 12. A literal window into a more magical and joyful world. Thanks for the childhood memories.

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One of the few reasons Batman and Robin worked was the puns from Mr. Freeze and Poison Ivy. Some of those puns were just as memorable as the 66 series.

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Today on

PURPLE NOON is René Clément’s 1960 French adaptation of Patricia Highsmith's vicious novel The Talented Mr. Ripley, starring a young Alain Delon as Tom Ripley.


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Today on

The thriller movies of William Webb: Sunset Strip (1985), The Banker (1989), and The Hit List (1993) are all intriguing B-movie thrillers that deserve to be revisited.


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Today on

Long before creating the television series Farscape and mesmerizing science fiction fans around the world, director Rockne S. O'Bannon made his feature debut with FEAR (1990)


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Today on

Thanks to the financial success of Easy Rider, Peter Fonda was given complete artistic control over his directorial debut, a 1971 western called THE HIRED HAND, starring Fonda, Warren Oates, Verna Bloom, and Severn Darden.

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Today on

Gérard Depardieu and Nastassja Kinski star in Jean-Jacques Beineix’s hyper-stylized, noir-infused psychodrama THE MOON IN THE GUTTER (1983)


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Today on

Sentenced to 28 years in prison for a crime he never committed. Only two things can get him out—a lot of money and Charles Bronson!



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Today on # ClickInMovies:

Richard Fleischer's THE DON IS DEAD, starring Robert Forster and Anthony Quinn, is a gangster saga that is perhaps Hollywood’s most underrated mob movie of the 1970s.


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On today's

STRONGROOM (1962) is a low-budget British B-movie that turned out to be a sneaky little gem of a film.


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