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La artista introvertida y romanticona que lo único que hace en clase es dibujar 24/7 💖 https://t.co/HhlKoQM1Hw

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Vamo'a hacer esto.
Yo en el cole era de los q se solia sentar en medio, pero como era tranquilo, los profes me mandaban para atrás. Yo soy introvertido, así q mis relaciones sociales eran pocas pero si tenia amigos.

Como era más inteligente, las tareas las hacia el mismo día xd.

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The Creature series on MP

People series on FND

The Introverted Octopus series on Objk

Life series on Objk

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introverted and extroverted groups.

Jenna & Willa: Why is she with my gf?
Emma & Enid: Guys, are you okay?

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Come to think of my crack ship is literally extrovert x introvert

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when mochen first moved into his apartment in ohio, he acted much different than he does now. he was snarky, annoying and uses 4channer terms. now hes reserved, introverted and quiet, much like he was when he was a child.

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Violet is introverted and her introspection is deep. They say she hides out of modesty. It's not. She hides in order to capture her own secret.
Its almost-non-perfume is muffled glory but demands that people seek it out. It never shouts its perfume.
-Clarice L.

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Riley Luceria
-albino raccoon(mix with werewolf genes)
-same age as kolopi, taller than him

-He is mischievous,friendly, appears as a introvert as first, later extremely extrovert.

Likes shiny things

Is a himbo

Works as a store similar to claire’s

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'I'll read my and I'll drink and I'll listen to and I'll bolt the door.’ ~J.D. Salinger

Sevelle the (https://t.co/GPiZ4AtQnh)

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Warning, never get your introverted kohai with super strength drunk
Translation is rough

(posting horni to karmatically balance out the string of depression GGZ posts, especially the next one)


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read Together Forever
Cute shoujo romcom where a high school girl bullies her introvert guardian

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Introvert? No. Extrovert? No. Ambivert? No. I’m Perv— 🫣

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Tienes que eliminar a una mona china introvertida ¿Quien se va para siempre?

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Of course, i hit send before finished typing!

Im all about sleepovers 💚

Pmg by @/BeanIntroverted

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they’re such wholesome introvert besties!!! (i just finished windblume)

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Li Huan est un autre étudiant, mais au contraire de YuYang il est introverti, et d’apparence assez froide voire menaçante, personne ne lui adresse la parole, et ceux qui le font se heurtent à un mur, de ce fait il passe toutes ses journées en solitaire.

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Hello, I'm doing good thank you :)

Also she's an introvert but really chill to around with :)

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a mix of both, mostly introvert tho!! u like flipping us off in vc smh

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Happy St.Paddy's day 🍀🍀🍀 We had a quick drawing challenge during a work meeting today

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