Remember when the towers fell in New York? I saw the black smoke from my kitchen window, and when the U.S invaded Iraq to ‘smoke out’ Saddam Husain and his (fictional) weapons of mass destruction I thought – good, fuck that guy.

6 72

Not just content with erasing channels, YouTube will now de-monetize videos it determines “dismiss or condone the war.” Nor are you allowed to claim Ukrainian govt targets civilians. Imagine if they did this for condoning the Iraq war; the whole corporate media would be shut down

769 2027

Phoenician ivory panel with precious stones and gilding, found in the Assyrian city of Nimrud (Iraq). 9th-7th century BC.

A lion attacks a man in a thicket of papyrus and lotus flowers.

262 1476

1. Pictured: Indigenous embroidered garment called Charūgā from the Ninevite town of Bēth-Khūdaidā (modern-day Qaraqosh, Iraq).

13 58

I noticed that DistilBERT loves movies filmed in India, but not in Iraq, so I plotted the result for each country: the resulting map is scary.

362 1941

If you haven't seen them already or just enjoyed them so much you want to see them again it's your last chance as Co-existent Ruins: Exploring Iraq’s Mesopotamian Past Through Contemporary Art and Lu Xun’s Legacy: Printmaking in Modern China both finish Sat 19 Mar

6 16

Land scape from iraq. .oil on paper my a quick painting

10 29

After everything is said and done
What's left❔
War torn countries left in shambles
Millions dead
Entire countries destroyed

0 2

And Neo Khanna frames it like he's "protecting freedom," dismissing any parallel to Iraq. Glad he's watching over us.

2 17

The images that have upset me most from the Russian invasion of Ukraine are the ones of children, confused and scared, in the midst of all the horror and madness. Vietnam, Bosnia, Iraq and countless others, we see these children in every war. Nothing is ever worth this.

1 6

I made this paining over 20 years ago in response to the wars the US and other nations were waging/had waged. Kosovo was under siege, the US had invaded Iraq, etc. I called it Surrender, and later changed it to Survivor. I see it also as a response to male aggression.

1 5

Yemen, Syria, Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan...

846 3221

When the US do the same in the Middle East , nobody cares but a country bordering Europe . Western countries feel threatened and rushed to help with weapons but not did the same in Syria , Iraq, Libya and Palestine. This Sun shines always.

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Even in the 1980s Iraq-Iran war, Saddam Hussein rejected the "Iranian Religion" and called them shu‘ubiya—a term originally applied to converts who resisted Arab claims of islamic primacy.

27 99

I protested the Iraq invasion, and the subsequent war. I endlessly mocked Colin Powell. 20% of Russians still don’t have access to indoor plumbing 22 years after Putin came to power.

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The 37th anniversary of the Martyrdom of Comrades Yousip Toma, Youbert Benyamin, and Youkhana Esho in the prison of the dictatorial regime - February 3rd 1985, Abu Ghraib, Baghdad.
The march continues for a free, democratic Iraq in which the rights of our people are strengthened.

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