Celtic - connected to Irelands history

Barbarian - typically was used as an insult from the english towards tbe Irish while they colonised the country

Aka my username is overly irish 🤷‍♂️ https://t.co/ZAseUb3d8I

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Trying to channel a bit of brightness and colour in memory of an old friend who died last night. A walker, dreamer and lover of beautiful landscapes

2 13

Five days, Five dawns.
20th to 24th of January.
(I love that Tuesday looks like a misty mistake. 😍)
What's your favourite?

4 28

"What's it all about, Hobbes?"
"It's all about the light.
And it always has been, y'know?"

3 16

While going through old raids and instances to gather transmog outfits and achievements I was lucky and got the Flametalon of Alysrazor in the Firelands ♥
Too bad it can’t fly, but it’s a cool ground mount for island expeditions ;)

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This cat reminds me so much of the one found in WoW Firelands

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"Behold the rage of the firelands !" Fandral Staghelm Reborn with ;)
Et toi , un perso préféré dans la saga ?

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Five days.
3 sunrises out of 5 is still a pass, right? 😍
12-16th of August.

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Days of heartbreaking and heart making beauty.

3 17

Slightly biased but we love the views from the museum! With help from We're restoring the parks and gardens to their Georgian glory!

5 20

Declining bee populations have influenced Deborah Donnelly to create a series of wonderfully colourful bee-portraits. Come in to the gallery to see these and other works from this acclaimed artist.

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