Day 22 of "Lizard Man of Scape Ore Swamp"

A swampy boi

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Cryptidinjuly day 20
Pope lick monster

(Too much metal)

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"I thought this was gonna be another dino bird"

Not my greatest piece out of the bunch. Nothing was coming to mind when making this, and I'm currently working on other pieces at the moment.

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Jelly July ~ Passion Fruit! I remember I ordered drink with a passion fruit once. At first it was amazingly delicious, but then it was hard for me to finish my drink, because it was too sour for me. Anyway,it's still yummy 💗💛

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"Deep in the African rain forests you can find the sinclair dino"

Not much to say about this one, just another goofy water monster. I'm not sure if its the teeth or the eyes that throw it off for me.

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Number 13 on the prompt list!
I love the fact the her entire character is made with shades of green <3

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Number 12, !

I am slowly catching up, I can do it!

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This is my first first Doodle a Day challenge by . Today's topis is - peaches! ❤🍑
As usual I can't decide with just one artwork, so here are three - one lettering piece and two seamless patterns.

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