Alone in the dessert with nothing to eat or drink will make you do desperate things! ☠️

Excerpt from The Misadventurers of 4. (April 2022)

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Jimminy is on a mission, to be the world's most famous magician, but he's a bit clumsy and it's hard to take him serious most of the time! ☺️

Excerpt from The Misadventurers of 4. (April 2022)

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What will i take for Marius to take Jimminy seriously? He tries really hard to impress her, but she has a one-tracked mind! 🥺

Excerpt from The Misadventurers of 4. (April 2022)

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CONGRATS TO and for their brand-new book Oh My Gods 2!! I'm SO EXCITED to revisit the characters and see what they're up to now :D

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Any editor looking for a new series by an award winning New York Times best-selling author who has had 24 books published in ten languages and sold over a million books and comics DM me. (Yes I have representation.)

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*MoCCA fest isTHIS WEEKEND! * I'll be at the table on Saturday and Sunday from noon till 1pm. All other times I will be with at table B158
Metropolitan Pavilion located at 125 W 18th St, New York, NY 10011

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I have big plans to color my comic book series "The Horribles"- It's hundreds of pages though so getting it done will take quite a bit of effort.

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Marius finds herself stranded on the Island of the Sand Witch. She still can't believe that The Viking King would exile his very own daughter! 😲

Excerpt from The Misadventurers of 4. (April 2022)

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Marius didn't expect the Viking King to take her punishment this far. Is he really going to exile her to the farthest reaches of the Nether Earth? 🥺

Excerpt from The Misadventurers of 4. (April 2022)

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Beware the wrath of the Viking King! Marius might be in a bit of a pickle when the Viking King disapproves of her antics! 😮

Excerpt from The Misadventurers of 4. (April 2022)

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I have big plans to color my comic book series "The Horribles"- It's hundreds of pages though so getting it done will take quite a bit of effort.

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The Exclusive Cover Reveal for The Misadventurers Kickstarter Exclusive coming in April!

Stay tuned for the announcement of our Launch!

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Excerpt from The Misadventurers of 4. (April 2022)

Jimminy tries to infuse his love of 80's cartoons into his spells, but he can't quite get them right. Can you help him get it right?

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Excerpt from The Misadventurers of 4. (April 2022)

Jimminy's confidence may be in overdrive. Can he walk the walk or will his magic go awry?

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Excerpt from The Misadventurers of 4. (April 2022)

Jimminy will go to great lengths to impress the kids in his Wizardry Class.

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The children learn that the robots are losing function far too soon. The future of the colony is now in their hands. Read "After the Robots Died"#kidlit

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CONGRATS ! Pilu of the Woods has been selected as an inklusion title 🌼 The art and story are both BEAUTIFUL - once I started it I couldn’t put it down!

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Feel like you're spinning your wheels with your kidlit comics? Grab a seat for the FREE Kidlit Comics Masterclass on 2/24 to learn how to level up. Get actionable advice from agent Janna Morishima & creator Rivkah LaFille.

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