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Lo que sí ha habido son Wookiees cazarrecompensas, como Krrsantan el Negro, una auténtica bestia parda (bueno, de pelaje oscuro) que salió de su planeta natal a la fuerza y se convirtió en aliado de la Doctora Aphra.

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Black Krrsantan, nicknamed "Santy," "BK," or "Black K" by Doctor Aphra, was a male Wookiee bounty hunter during the Galactic Civil War.

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Las excusas de Tagge no sirvieron de nada. Lo mató y puso al Almirante Ozzel en su puesto. Por su parte, Aphra fue rescatada por Krrsantan y los droides asesinos. Y pronto, Vader tendría a quien más anhelaba: a su hijo, Luke Skywalker, con quien se obsesionó por encontrar.

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I came across Wookiee Troopers while perusing The Art of Solo. History is full of collaborators who participate in the oppression of their own people. Black Krrsantan a bit like that. But wearing the armor? That would have been hard to handle if it was Wookiees.

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Was Bounty Hunters even supposed to make sense?? I LOVE the new characters and am so happy to get more Bossk...and Aphra/Black Krrsantan!!, but dang it couldn't have been more confusing. Check out my review below: https://t.co/YxIMgmp6QT 1/2

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1) Kanan Jarrus
2) General Grievous (I think he counts?)
3) Black Krrsantan
4) Han Solo

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Star Wars Wallpaper Exclusives continued: Fifth Brother, Black Krrsantan, Jyn Erso, and Director Orson Krennic. Hope you like them and more on the way tomorrow!

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