Para una pelicula de fantasia es muy poco comun que hagan escenarios realistas en esta, incluso dentro del propio studio ghibli esto era raro, pues en peliculas como Laputa, Mi Vecino totoro, o el Castillo Ambulante, era comun que vieramis escenarios fantasticos, casi irreales⤵️

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"The film then [asks], has humanity's desire to fly..been fulfilled?
No..humanity's longing for the sky will never disappear.
At the end, a boy who who resembles Pazu from Laputa: Castle in the Sky takes off into the sky on the red and white ornithopter called "Alcione""


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Carajo para ir a pedir calaverita wa disfrazarme del bromas
Es que es bien genial laputamadre xdd
Por cierto estoy diwujando 👁

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Future Boy Conan is literally everywhere.
Granted partially its Nausicca and Laputa. But both were made from the DNA of Conan...
If you love Airships. Praise Miyazaki's Conan.

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3 days left💜💜💜💜💜
I just like every laughed to shu say "laputa"(天空之城)


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Another reference I used to draw George comes from Studio Ghibli's film Laputa. That gave rise to the idea of creating a kind of puppet or a somewhat mechanical being. In my memories, George was a light blue little man and I decided to reinterpret him in this way.

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I'm a sucker for happy lovey dovey endings
Sometimes it is cool to make me cry

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have a bird i doodled, her name is Laputa... may sell her as an adoptable idk yet I kinda like her shes sorta like captain Celaeno

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El castillo en el cielo (Laputa) 8/10. La verdad es que llevaba un tiempo pensando en verla (Por el mod de botania, el item de Shard of Laputa) y hoy he dicho, venga, voy a verla. La he visto en español y ha sido muy divertida, pensando en retomar ghibli :)

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. 『天空の城ラピュタ』
(Laputa Castle in the Sky)

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Laputamadreeee que aspas

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Pues Nada Aprovecho Para Deciros Que Aparte de Aizen (El Antagonista Por Excelencia de la Historia) Existe Otro Ser Que Lo Puede Igualar, No Superar Pero Si Con Los Rasgos Necesarios Para Decir: LAPUTA!

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i did my partner’s as well

ugh i wanna watch laputa

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