Xiaoven WIP
BGnya nanti pas lantern rite mulai mau ambil ref in-game wkwk 🫠 sketsa2 dulu aja.

Xiao kubuat lebih tinggi,... keknya lbh keren begitu /g wkwk 😭 fact: dia naik pijakan biar bs cium kening venti mesra

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aaAAAAAAaaA since they're many new moots here, i would like to greets y'all, hii nice to meet you semoga betah sama aku >____<

im sorry kalau akhir2 ini belum ada art yg proper alias blum ada waktu gmbr full render blink2 jdi lbh sering rkgk T____T 🙏💗💗💗 have a nice day !

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Dehya pake adukan dodol juga tp lbh gede 🤡

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Sometimes the truest way to start your new year is to have a good cry.

And hey, you know what—I think LBH would happily cry with me KSGKFDSH.

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Feliz año nuevo y perdón por nunca poder pensar en fondos decentes

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Welcome 2023!!!
Tahun ini, iva banyak goals y pen dicapai, iva juga berusaha bakal upload clip setiap harinya dr karaoke stream para vtuber (tentu saja y archive).

Iva jg mau kenalan lbh byk dg teman sesama clipper lainnya jg, mohon dukungannya.

Art warbiasah by

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happy new year!!!. Semoga taun ini bisa lbh produktif dan makin improve. Semoga makin sehat fisik dan mental. Love you all😍🫶

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Artwork I made for LBH birthday cse ❤️ bingge, bingmei, and bingpup

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water prison canon divergence AU where sqq doesn't remove lbh's robe... he'd look like one of lbh's ravished wives skjqfkjq

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Tapi jujur, ni anak kesannya lbh ngeselin tinimbang Yamato di rehearsal

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aku coba coret2 y nder. aslinya harus lbh merhatiin arah bayangan ada di mana, tapi karena sender naro bayangan di blkg ku anggep aja bayangan di blkg. Warna merah untuk posisi (kira2 aja ngga persis) bayangan, terus biru itu nambah bayangan lagi yg kedua biar lebih ada volume.

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lbh: i'm santa's favourite kid 😈💕
santajiu: ...you're a GROWN ASS MAN 😾

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his lil human too, then for some reason SY comeback to his world and cant find the way back, but lbh finds him so everything is okay :)

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Yay my first secret santa! for Joan
(cant found the @)
The idea is: lbh found a weird human with weird clothes, still he keeps sy since he knows a lot of stuff and eventually he falls in love with the lil human bcs sy always is so protective to him so he starts to stand up for+

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[svsss pkmn] post blackening our now champion, lbh's zoruark looks a bit different 😞 (5/7)

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Very VERY old art but it's a chance to finally post binghe...

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sv reverse transmigration AU + christmas!!! aka how lbh and mbj help put up the decorations

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