If you keep practicing and learning, improvement will happen gradually over time. 2019 (OLD) —>2022 (LATEST)

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My project is me, it is my learning, my evolution, my works... knowing art and being able to generate art...

If I manage to make it successful, my works will be your rewards

2 2

Haven't posted anything in a while! but finally, new art!! Not the best, but I'm still learning, and I'm happy with this one. Enjoy the boys chilling in the shade

5 27

Thank you for the opportunity!! 🥺💕
I'm still learning, but here are my two favorite pieces this year!

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GM fam 🌺

“Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.” ―Pele

21 48

Prices in USD

*Note with humans, I can't do hands. Still learning, so if you'd like I'll do busts
Traditional grayscale- 🔟
Digital- 12

Traditional grayscale flat halfbody: 12

Digital flat: 15

Winter Mikty base: 15

Christmas Chibi Chakisuu base: 🔟

5 8

Don't get discouraged by rejection or feeling like nobody sees you. Making good art is and should be challenging. Keep going, keep learning, keep growing, and keep sharing your vision with the world. 🦋

0 4

2010 - 2022
I was a bit slower improving but the key is to just never give up~
Art is a never-ending cycle. Always learning, always producing, always growing

10 118

2009 ➡️ 2022
More than 13 years learning, practicing, being stubborn and never giving up. I did not born knowing, it's

191 1888

Left, 2019
Right, 2022

When I started, I could barely hold my stylus properly, my hands shaking with every line drawn.

The important thing is not just learning, but doing. All the theory in the world can't prep you for doing the real thing. Just keep at it!

2 9

Thanks for the support of human artist!!!❤️
I just post my arts here since i'm still learning, hope i'll be ready for doing commission in the future ^_^
I'm Raven, and i mostly do fanart about Genshin boys :D

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2018 -> 2022
I'm still learning, especially in digital art. But looking back, I guess I really have improved, even if it's small growth ;v;

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My improvement in 10 years 🥹 🥹 Keep learning, never give up! ✍️✍️✍️
2012 vs 2022

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2011 vs 2022
Painting is a skill that you developed over time and it takes a lot of practice to achieve certain level, and until now I’m still learning, it doesn’t come overnight and you have to ACTUALLY DO IT to be good.

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2020 > 2022

Technically I've been drawing longer, but I started digitally in mid 2020. Lots of learning, lots of hiatuses, and lots of struggle. It's a slow process, but I'm proud of what I've drawn, and next year, we going crazy 😤😤😤

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2013 - 2022 / 2018 - 2022
Skill takes years upon YEARS of learning, practicing, trying. Blood sweat and literal tears.

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I intentionally do not share much of my earliest digital art. 😅 Obviously, I’m still relatively new to art in general. I’m not naturally good at it and I’m still learning, but it’s nice to see visible progress.
2019 ➡️ 2022

0 5

I'm still learning, tho. I tend to do glow effects on it the most.

7 86

Two whole years of development for me and my original characters (both Amu and Tori here!)
More confidence, always learning, always improving 💖

11 23

I was about 9 when I started drawing and after so many years I saw a lot of people trying and failing because they just thought it's easy.
But no, art isn't easy at all.
It's a progress of learning, failure and getting up again.

Traditional Digital

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