Dropped!! at discord auction link bellow 👇👇👇 LFG!!!🔥🔥❤️‍🔥♥️

7 18

Yooooooo!!!!! I’d like to give a huge shout out to the BIG DAWG !!!!! Negotiated a fire deal and got blessed with this Bad Boy! I call him READY RED!!! I’m beyond hype asf!!! LFG!!! WE ARE

20 56

The collection from is shaping up to be one of the best collections out there 🐸LLfg!!!!

1 7

I just won this fab stoned ape for 3 sol spent on Monet. FP of 26.2. I think I will and join that Dao. Thanks Udder Chaos LFG!!!!! Oh yeah I'm also a long term holder of UC. Fuckin

3 9


Alpha MFKN Caaaaaaall!!!!!


1 5

GM everyone!!! I Hope and pray that you have a blessed Monday!!! Let’s start this week off by speaking positive words of affirmation!!! Flood this timeline!! LFG!!! I am great! I’m a go getter! I’m a great person! I love myself! I MATTER!

8 40

Gm legends it’s a new week LFG!!!

Took the weekend will reply to stuff after work , much love Fam

5 18

The HEIST is coming, THE HEIST is coming , 25 Blueprints THE HEIST IS COMING!!! I’m ready for this LFG!!!!

5 13

Snatched this beauty today !

🌌 🦉 LFG!!!

8 57

Thank you for letting me be apart of your cult I mean community, thank u all for welcoming me. THE RUMORS ARE TRUE, THIER IS MANY OF U !!!!... I LIKE IT 😈🤘

58 117

Always wanted a pimp and thanks to FUD I scooped this boss pimp at a bargain! 1 pimp = 3 CK pimps.... How ?!?!?! 1 OG pimp + 1 Cubensis pimp + 1 Azzie pimp = 3 pimps! LFG!!! Think on your strategy and go to Kongs discord for info and don't DM me, MF'ers!!!🤣

22 107