Hi, beautiful ones!💞😍
How does a beautiful princess feel when the reins of a vast state are thrust upon her frail shoulders?

princess Liboria via - https://t.co/gEET6gPhPv

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Happy 4/13 day! Shoutouts to my brothers (one of them being ) for introducing me to the series nearly a decade ago, and shoutouts to myself for doing a servicable(?) cosplay of worst boy Caliborn back in the day

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caliborn gets bitches??

7 28

Princess Liboria. 😍👸
How does a beautiful princess feel when the reins of a vast state are thrust upon her frail shoulders?
0.045 ETH Polygon
3500*3500 pixels

12 28

Princess Liboria.
How does a beautiful princess feel when the reins of a vast state are thrust upon her frail shoulders?
0.045 ETH Polygon
3500*3500 pixels

15 41

I do and his name is Shawn Eliborne.

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i liked your art caliborn you drewew liook at mineeee

7 39

And here’s a doodle of Bracken, my Gremlin. Someone stole their snacks I guess…

1 5

can we take a hot min to talk about these cool people smh. I may be the smallest but IM A COOL PERSON SO HERE YA GO >:D @/zinniecaliborn @/pompuwi @/cassthewizard

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I tried for a couple of hours make her smile cutely. But only came out as a sassy smile. I asume then that she wanted to smile that way.

Trying to give her live, I'm obsessed. Ali Zintzaba, olibore of Katon.

0 3

Ummmm what if I did the what if I ummm wqht if I transgendered u ?

0 2

BONK Smol Caliborn

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Amis Dalibor é um curandeiro muito gentil que deixou sua terra natal para se aventurar em outro país, ele só não contava que essa seria a viajem mais louca da sua vida.

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Pictures taken moments before disaster

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