Dear Librarians, parents & teachers.

Im giving away 100 FREE COPIES of copies for

All you have to do is follow me on here & IG post on your Twitter & FB which cover you’d like w/the tag & tag me

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Okay how many times have you had a patron come in and ask for 'that book about a boy with a blue book cover'?

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For those of you who are booksellers, librarians, media or influencers, you can request a digital review copy of EVIL THING via NetGalley now! Be sure to include a link to your outlet or company in your profile so Cruella knows who you are!

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Oh! Lemme see 🤔
As far as fellow librarians, there's Jo and Rose (who I still haven't done a proper reference for 😬).
And then there's Barty and Old Man Garth, who are frequent library patrons. And Jo's dad Abe, who I doodled recently. I think that's it for Graham's friends 🤓

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and -- set up an account at Edelweiss to get advanced reader copies of books.

Gansworth's APPLE SKIN TO THE CORE is there right now! It is due out in October but you can try to get a copy, now.

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Hey, Kentucky! I'm sorry to say I won't attend , but would love to meet your teachers, librarians, and young readers in the ! I'm offering free 25m skypes to as many libraries/schools as I can. Email me w/#SOKY in your subject line in 2020--let's read!

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Dear Librarians, does your library already have any of our picture books touching upon loss and grief? If not, please consider backing our Kickstarter campaign to bring 'Maia and What Matters' back into print. We'd love you to view and share our campaign!

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Librarians, bloggers, book reviewers!! If you wanted to review my upcoming "Peter & Ernesto: Sloths in the Night" book (third in the series) please feel free to DM or email ( and I can put you in touch with the right folks! :)

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Happy Valentine’s Day to all my lovely writerly friends!! Also to everyone I’ve met on Twitter teachers, librarians, books sellers and book makers.

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Sat morn I’ll be hanging with librarians, and bubbling over with excitement about the first 3 graphic novels coming from Street Noise this Spring and Summer! I can hardly wait!! I’ll have blads (printed samples) & postcards & posters & buttons & stickers to share!

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VOTE Today For The Challenge Winners! 🎉🎉🎉

The voting is open until January 24, 2020. I love watching all of these special ways librarians, educators &communities are making a difference in the lives of kids.

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LOVING VS VIRGINIA by has been named a 2019-2020 Virginia Readers’ Choice by sponsors Virginia State Reading Association, Virginia Association of School Librarians, Virginia Library Association, and Library of Virginia Youth Services:

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🌟Dallas area librarians, would you like an author visit? I have an opening Dec. 11 for a full or half day!🌟

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Adult fans! the registration discount for our Young Adult Literature Conference ends TONIGHT! Save $15 and meet , and 25+ more authors!

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“New Kid” fans: Creators, Librarians, Educators are all eligible to vote for the prestigious Please register to vote by Sept 10 deadline. Nominees also include “Hey, Kiddo” by my buddy

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illustrator Jay Fleck made this Tiny T. Rex art to say THANK YOU to everyone who bought, shared, read, reviewed, and championed our little book.

Librarians, teachers, booksellers, reviewers, parents, kids... thank you for the ❤️ for TINY T. REX AND THE IMPOSSIBLE HUG! 🦖

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A reminder to educators, librarians, and parents: your kids have 3 weeks left to vote for their favorite comics of 2018: There's a paper ballot you can mail in, or vote online. Winners will be announced Sunday, June 16 at

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Hey it's To all you school librarians, thank you for everything you do. True superheroes, every one.

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