So I wanted to do a crossover,
But Demons and Devils do not have a good chemistry in the DnD Universe ..

Luze and Illidian hopefully straining themselves not to kill each other.

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Decided to color in Illidian from the concept art I did.

I can't seem to stop drawing him now qq
I already love him s;dlfkj

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My first official DnD Character,
Illidian Grace, Cleric of the Twilight Domain!

In the process of fleshing his background more.

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Estuve jugando Deltarune junto con y dibujamos a Susie y Kris. Siganlo dibuja increíble :³

"Estas lidiando con tiburones"


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Después de más de un año lejos aquí estoy...He estado lidiando con mi salud mental y realmente no podía dibujar 😞//After more than a year away, here I am...I have been dealing with my mental health and I really couldn't draw 😞

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Remember our post from last week of the outlines? Here is the completed version! What do you guys think? This is for Tilidian Vox on FFXIV!

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"Lidian e sua irmã mais nova Rosa gostavam de brincar nos bosques de Canaban. Os dois passavam o dia atormentando os pepes e alimentando os filhotes de sidtris"

Vou contando a história dele assim, tá tão bom desenhar espero que esse ânimo dure e.e

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Nome: Lidian Renett
Idade: 14 anos
Raça: Humano/Asmodiano(Mutação Demoníaca)
Ocupação: Fazendeiro

Fanchar de GC que criei 9 anos atrás.
(Tentando voltar pro digital com esse wip dele)

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✧*♡∞:。.。 𝐀𝐓𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐔 𝐌𝐈𝐘𝐀: 𝐄𝐋 𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐈𝐌 。.。:∞♡*✧

❝ Atsumu no era muy bueno lidiando con sus crushes, incluso algunos ( Osamu ) afirmaban que era un desastre ¿Qué hará el armador cuando tenga una oportunidad perfecta para cambiar eso? ❞

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Meri lidiando con el pinturillo, por cierto FELIZ 99k!! 😊🍰✨

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Forgot about this, a little doodle of Bertie and his long-suffering mule from my dnd game!! Mulelsy pulls Bertie's potions cart and patiently gets fed croissants and listens to his ceaseless chattering about either his unsettling non euclidian nightmare curses or his crushes

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攸璃 (未能问到推号,之后有会补上

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🦑There were non-Euclidian forms everywhere: cones of all degrees of irregularity & truncation; terraces of every sort of provocative disproportion; shafts with odd bulbous enlargements; & five-pointed or five-ridged arrangements of mad grotesqueness🎨LOIC MUZY🦑#Lovecraftian

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🦑There were non-Euclidian forms everywhere: cones of all degrees of irregularity & truncation; terraces of every sort of provocative disproportion; shafts with odd bulbous enlargements; & five-pointed or five-ridged arrangements of mad grotesqueness🎨 Sadan Vague🦑#Lovecraftian

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| Rol libre |

Para Lidian hoy no fue un gran primer día (no se que esperaba la verdad) y prefiere intentar mantener su animo positivo

alguien la ayudara? alguien sera su amigo? quien sabe <3

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En Pardoe también habitan multitud de especies como los elkar, los sefirtes, los eglas (humanos), los melidianos, los karosh... entre otros.

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Sigo con el Hype ,esperando la noticia de que por fin anuncie la licencia del manga y que el anime en dvd y bd de la serie clasica de DragonQuest "el fly" hoy el pobre "fly" lidiando con su porpio abuelo poseido

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Estoy lidiando con el artblock y ha salido esto (siento ser tan pesado😅)

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