Soon I'll change the PNG
Again thank you for one month💜


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Jean will be baked soon alhamdulillah

9 141

2020 - 2023

ಥ⁠_⁠ಥ Ueueuueu Alhamdulillah

45 270

Oden will be baked soon alhamdulillah

27 129

Beautiful spot illustrations by Zoe Ingram ()
for Let's All Keep Chickens, published by Storey Publishing.

This image is available for licensing.

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Siccome il tema dei è delicato e volendo un'immagine positiva, ieri ho disegnato anche questa cosa strana.
Ma sembra che il messaggio sia più un "smetti di pesarti ed entra in una comune sentimentale, sarai felice".

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No te preocupes por eso , estoy aquí para cuidarte ,puedes confiar en mí para todo pequeño

👤: me alegra mucho que le guste 😭✨💞Angel le dará al nene el tiempo y cariño maternal que la polilla necesite asta en sus peores momentos 😔✨💖(ella entiende como se siente UnU)

3 30

he will be baked soon alhamdulillah

32 71

'All shall be well,'


Thank you for commissioning this piece of art and for your donation towards 's Gaza Winter Walk.

Feeling so blessed with the beautiful connections I have made over the years.
Alhamdulillah 🤲🏽 🤍

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Alhamdulillah, akhirnya jadi lukisan digital karyaku, potret KH. Idham Chalid, sosok pahlawan nasional, serta Ketua Tanfidziyah Nahdlatul Ulama periode 1956-1984.

Dilukis menggunakan Tablet dan aplikasi Artflow.

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iruma udah mualaf ternyata wkwkwk, alhamdulillah ya akhi iruma

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When una polilla furra tiene más suerte en el amor que tú

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El oc de hoy es Hellwing. Enviada a nuestro plano por un patriarca infernal, Hellwing tiene la misión de conquistar la tierra para él. ¿El problema? Es solo ella (una diablilla de poco más de 70 cm) contra el mundo.

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We all agree that this piece of Asa Gilland's () would make a fantastic book cover!

This image is available for licensing.

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she will be crushed by a giant weight soon alhamdulillah

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Alhamdulillah raann, makasih banyak yaa 😆

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Harvey will be baked soon alhamdulillah

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Masih bisa gk yh,, nyoba junet ajaa hehe. Dia orangnya gampang tidur, gapunya semangat idup & kerjaannya main game terus :" tapi jago programming sih wkkwkw. Mottonya adlah "kalo idup alhamdulillah kalo udah waktunya yaudah🙏"😅

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