Morten Morland’s Spectator cartoon - political cartoon gallery in London

14 26

One more try at 's using a relative (in today's terms) oldie

14 41

"I don't think we can fix this one..."

My entry for 's challenge

2 7

Chris Riddell on the prime minister and her chancellor facing the wrath of the markets - political cartoon gallery in London

34 78

La primera ministra🇬🇧 y su ministro de Hacienda convertidos por en replicantes de Thing 1 y Thing 2 ['The Cat in the Hat' (1957) de Dr. Seuss]

➕#literatura, & /

1 0

Breaking news..........................#liztruss

1 5

Always fun when draw challenges surface. This seems to cover both and

5 16

Just when you think World couldn’t get any crazier! Here I try to capture the moment “Hold On”

0 2