Il presso il si terrà la presentazione del rapporto “Next lobbying: la tecnologia per decisioni più aperte, democratiche e trasparenti"


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After years of lobbying, 1879 Belva Lockwood is successful in her campaign for female lawyers to be allowed to practice law in US courts!👏🙌👏Within a year Belva was the 1st women permitted to the Supreme Court, where she kicked ass representing minorities and the oppressed

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Something we get a lot in lobbying meetings....

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Seamus Jennings
Political cartoonist.
Official site:

"On Netanyahu's lobbying of Donald Trump to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal."

🔸 'An Audience of One,' 2 May 2018. Seamus Jennings.

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消波塊王國 - 日本可以說是最喜愛用消波塊的國家, 據統計43%的海岸線被人工強化...表現上是因為海嘯和風暴潮威脅, 但有說是因為混擬土產能過盛和製造就業機會, 還有「日本消波根固ブロック協会」的lobbying組織

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