Today in pulp I look back at the career of prolific pulp horror legend Guy N Smith. Stand by for werewolves, crabs, locusts and many other baffling beasties running amok...

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Josh Kirby cover art for "The Silver Locusts" by Ray Bradbury, 1965. (This was the British edition of "The Martian Chronicles.")

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No-one knows the full range of Ghost Rider's superpowers. Even Ghost Rider himself has been surprised at what he can do.

He has summoned hellfire weaponry and vehicles, raised the dead, commanded the weather and controlled swarms of locusts!

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Locusts. by John James Wild. Frederick McCoy, Natural History of Victoria, Decades 11-15 (1885-90) in

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The Locusts and Satan
BL, Add 18633, 13th c.

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《 鳩鵪漫畫 》700,陳方安生李柱銘惊叹:“哇!点解温哥华蝗灾比香港更惨?“。Martin Lee & Anson Chan mobbed by locusts in YVR.

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Enough bitterness - ! Happy birthday Matt "Locusts of Death" McLaughlin!!

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