Lu Bu es el hombre más fuerte de los tres reinos.

Pensando en un pack de pegatinas de los contendientes

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Hey! i made this fan-art from the battle between flying general lubu against the thunder berserker the god thor, i hope you like it and have a good day.

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VS 🇨🇳
(Ninja Gaiden VS Dynasty Warriors)

Who wins, and why?

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I’m very indecisive when it comes to my favorite candy, but it either has to be bubu lubu’s or pelón pelo rico

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Among men, Lu Bu.
Among horses, Red Hare.
Among chocolate, Bubu Lubu.
Among soda, Pepsi.

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Yall ever wonder what those feather things on Lubu's head were?

It's not just something dynasty warriors made up because they're on the overwatch Reaper skin too.

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Lu Bu also appears in other media such as Dynasty Warriors, God of High School, Total War: Three Kingdoms and Record of Ragnarok

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Lubu com a voz do gilgamesh de fate (Queria que o Shiva fosse dublado por ele :c combinaria mais).

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also featured in the game series where she is given a high Charisma level and will start in 's force but will also appear under later in the timeline.

Also, if attacked it increases 's rage.

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also featured in the game series where she is given a high Charisma level and will start in 's force but will also appear under later in the timeline.

Also, if attacked it increases 's rage.

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(Assassins Creed VS Witcher VS Dynasty Warriors)

Who wins?

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LuBu has always been a Super Saiyan. This is him, going even further beyond!

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